Boris Johnson Says BBC Should 'Sack Lineker' To Pay For Pensioners TV Licences

Boris Johnson last night refused to protect free TV licences for pensioners – saying the BBC should sack Gary Lineker to pay for them. 

He told a Tory leadership Hustings event in York: “The BBC should be coughing up for the TV licence for the over 75s. We give them the money, they should pay for it.” 

Asked how they should pay for it, he quipped: “Sack Lineker.”

It was revealed yesterday that Gary Lineker is the BBC’s highest paid star, earning a salary of £1,750,000-£1,754,999.

It’s estimated the cost to the BBC of the free TV licence by 2022 will be at least £250 million.

That’s almost 143 Gary Linekers.

Photo Credit: BBC/


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