Bakare Curses Cabal Stalling Nigeria’s Progress

Pastor Tunde Bakare of Latter Rain Assembly in Lagos on Sunday said God would frustrate every evil cabal suppressing the efforts of Nigerians.

Bakare, who made the assertion during the Church service in Lagos said that God would not allow anything bad to happen to the country.

“Nigeria is our own and it must not crumble.If there is any cabal of evil anywhere doing anything to suppress the people of this nation, God will frustrate their efforts,” he said.

Bakare urged Nigerians to give thanks, saying God had been merciful to Nigeria.

“Let’s thank God that we are still a nation, yes this is not the best that is expected from the government, but they also have challenges and they are overwhelming,” he said.

On his aspiration, he said he would not count his chickens before they were hatched.

“When I get to the bridge, I will cross it”, he said.

Bakare, while reacting to the misconceptions surrounding a video on his aspiration to become the 16th President that went viral, he said he needed to clarify for three reasons.

“Firstly, in keeping with my calling as a servant of God, I must ensure that truth soars high above falsehood and that the fellowship of the saints be not ill-spoken of by a keenly observant world.

“Secondly, it is my duty as a citizen who is privileged to have the ears of fellow citizens to ensure that well-meaning Nigerians are not misinformed about our activities.

“Thirdly, I do not want the ideas and solutions to our nation’s pressing problems, which by the grace of God, I will be proposing next week, to be drowned in the noise of needless controversies,” he said.

Bakare said the trending video of him saying he would become Nigeria’s next President was merely an expression of his aspiration.

He said that what God showed him was his personal business and that he had a right to aspire to the highest office.

“It is the true expression of my political ambition. Whatever God has shown me is my private ambition,” he said.

The cleric said that the video was about one year and seven months old.

Bakare, who will be holding the state of the nation broadcast in Oct. 6, reiterated that it was necessary to clear the air, adding that an actionable roadmap to the stability, security and success of the country might be found therein.

“Contrary to the misconceptions and misinformation, the trending video about the 16th presidency was an excerpt from a message titled, “Be Grateful for Your Blessings (Part 3),” which I preached in this auditorium on Sunday, Feb. 18, 2018.

“A year and seven months after the statements were made, and erroneously associated with recent developments relating to the Office of the Vice President, suggests that it was done by the uninformed.

“It might have also been a deliberately designed attempt to misinform the public by linking unrelated issues, in order to create divisions where there are none, thereby, heating up the polity unnecessarily,” he said.

The cleric said that it was not in his character to respond to every whim and caprice of
any issue in the cyberspace, but it had become necessary to set the record straight on the misconceptions.

Credit: PM News

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